+971 58 593 7102



Jamaat Raze illahi Foundation

Building a Brighter Future

Education is the cornerstone of a brighter future. It empowers individuals, fosters innovation, and drives societal progress. However, for underprivileged children in India, access to quality education can be a hurdle. At Jamaat Raze Illahi Foundation, we understand the power of education and the transformative impact it can have on young lives. That’s why we’ve established the “Education” program, dedicated to bridging the gap and empowering students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Who We Are

Our Multifaceted Approach to Education

While access to textbooks and classrooms is crucial, the needs of underprivileged students go beyond just traditional resources. Here are some of the challenges they face:

  • Financial Barriers: School uniforms, supplies, and transportation costs can create significant financial strain for low-income families. This can lead to absenteeism and hinder a child’s education.
  • Lack of Learning Support: Students from underprivileged backgrounds might not have access to additional learning resources or tutoring, making it difficult to keep pace with their peers.

Join Our Mission to Support Poor and Needy People in the World

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