+971 58 593 7102


Medical support

Jamaat Raze illahi Foundation

Medical support

Illness can strike anyone, at any time, and often when least expected. For many low-income families, a medical emergency can be a financial nightmare. At Jamaat Raze Illahi Foundation, we understand this harsh reality. That’s why we established our “Medical Support” program, dedicated to providing a lifeline of hope to those struggling with medical bills.

A Story of Compassion

Our story starts in Mumbai, India. A woman’s world turned upside down when her husband suffered a heart attack. With their son unemployed and the husband jobless, the family faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge. The hospital bill of around one and a half lakh (approximately AED 18,000) loomed large, threatening to crush their hopes. However, news of their plight reached the Jamaat Raze Illahi Foundation. Recognizing their desperate situation, we sprang into action. Through the generosity of our donors, we were able to pay the hospital bill, providing the family with a much-needed reprieve and allowing them to focus on their loved one’s recovery.

A Fight for Life

Another example of the impact of our program is the case of a Muslim man who suffered a brain hemorrhage. His family was devastated, and the cost of treatment seemed out of reach. However, through the “Medical Support” program, we were able to provide financial assistance, ensuring he received the critical care he needed. Thankfully, with treatment and support, the man made a remarkable recovery, and his family was overjoyed to have him back home.

A Newborn Baby’s Fight

Sometimes, the stories we encounter are heart-wrenchingly small. Imagine the plight of a newborn baby, barely six days old, facing a life-threatening condition and confined to the ICU. The parents, from an underprivileged background, were overwhelmed not just by worry for their child but also by the mounting hospital bill of Rs 80,000. This seemingly small sum could have meant the difference between life and death for the baby. Fortunately, Jamaat Raze Illahi Foundation stepped in and covered the bill, allowing the family to focus on their child’s recovery.

A Life on Hold

Young woman, her husband earning a modest salary of 7,000 a month. Their life takes a shocking turn when she suffers a heart attack. The diagnosis is a blow, but the subsequent news of the required treatment cost – a staggering 4 lakhs for medicine and surgery.
Girl housewives had arranged 3 lakh but needed 1 lakh for treatment.

This is where the Jamaat Raze Illahi Foundation steps forward with our “Medical Support” program. Understanding the urgency of the situation, we act swiftly to offer financial assistance. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we are able to bridge the gap and provide the critical 1 lakh needed for the young woman’s heart surgery.

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